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Sponsor Spotlight: Karen Craft

If there is one thing that we can say about our Listen to Your Mother partner Karen Craft it’s that she oozes creativity--it's literally her name. She's a designer, photographer, dancer, actor, producer, director, professional, excellent cook and on and on... where does Karen get all of her talent from? (Her mom, of course!)

This is Karen’s fourth season as a Sponsor for our LTYM Rochester show and we’re beyond grateful for her efforts, talents and support. And if we could tell you just a few more things, it’s that she is a force of nature… which is funny because she takes beautiful photographs of nature!

She is a master of many accents, including an uncanny, transatlantic accent (think black-and-white movies from the 40s)… which is funny because she takes gorgeous images with black-and-white-film. She also directs an improv and sketch comedy group in our city called Polite Ink… which is funny because, well because she’s so funny!

Karen REALLY doesn’t like to talk about herself and finds it REALLY, REALLY hard to take a compliment. So instead of asking Karen to dish, we went straight to the source and asked her mother: Jessie Craft.

Please describe Karen as a child.

Karen was a very outgoing, bright child. Her pediatrician told me at 12 months old she was doing things a 2 year-old would do. She talked in full sentences and hasn't stopped to this day. Her kindergarten teacher pulled me aside at the end of the year to go on record that someday Karen was going to make a name for herself.

Please tell us what you admire most about Karen?

So many things. I love her sense of humor and her versatility. She doesn't know the meaning of the word "can't." If it can be done, she will get it done.

What do you value most about your mother/daughter relationship?

We are there for each other. If I need her...she is there and visa versa. There is nothing I wouldn't do for Karen and I believe she feels the same.

She has a "can do" attitude and makes me so proud.

What lessons have you learned as a mother, strong woman, and mother of a strong woman?

I once had an employee say to me, "Some people mistake your kindness for weakness." This really stuck and I truly believe I have learned that I can be kind and strong at the same time. This is not only important when raising children, but in everyday life. Karen also possesses this attribute. She is also very kind, sensitive and caring.

Wouldn't you love to work with Karen? We do! For more information on Karen Craft Photography & Design, visit

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